Protein annotations differ
"Annotations:" for HGNC names without any "extensions" (canonical proteins) and e.g. fragments with extensions in brackets differ.
In the PD map e.g.:
- "CDK5" -> Annotations are shown correctly (although HGNC and Ensembl are not hyperlinked)
- "CDK5R1 (p25)" -> No annotations
- "BID" -> Annotations are shown correctly
- "BID (p15)" -> No annotations
Additionally, in the AD map, protein fragments have different annotations compared to the canonical proteins, see e.g. "MAPT" and "MAPT (N255)". Annotations of the fragment also include predicted RefSeq sequences, some of them were already removed from the RefSeq database (e.g. "RefSeq (XP_006725338.1)" of "MAPT (D421)"). In the PD map, annotations of fragments and canonical are the same.