Upload of genetic_variant overlay not working
Upload of genetic_variant type overlay by pasting it directly in the Add overlay window requires all three parameters in the header. It throws below error if I omit filed TYPE and choose from dropdown list GENETIC_VARIANT.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request) minerva.js.xhtml:57606 [2018-11-16 11:00:00.894] [ERROR] [default] - Problematic input: <br/>Unknown column type: position. Acceptable column name: name, gene_name, model_name, value, compartment, type, color, identifier, elementIdentifier, reactionIdentifier, lineWidth, description, reverseReaction, brenda, mesh 2012, taxonomy, kegg reaction, chembl, gene ontology, mirbase sequence database, pubmed, digital object identifier, hgnc symbol, panther family, kegg orthology, drugbank, mirbase mature sequence database, wikipedia (english), reactome, consensus cds, toxicogenomic chemical, mouse genome database, vmh reaction, mirtarbase mature sequence database, refseq, bigg reaction, interpro, protein family database, cazy, drugbank target v4, chembl target, chemical abstracts service, uniprot, chebi, hgnc, string, bigg metabolite, tair locus, kegg pathway, unknown, entrez gene, bigg compartment, ensembl, wormbase, protein data bank, enzyme nomenclature, chemspider, online mendelian inheritance in man, uniprot isoform, pubchem-substance, stitch, unigene, rhea, saccharomyces genome database, pubchem-compound, pharmgkb pathways, kegg compound, wikipathways, hmdb, vmh metabolite, kegg genes, clusters of orthologous groups, ensembl plants, wikidata,