Overlay data columns - review
Remove column gene_name. -
Field type must be filled for each row or must be left empty for all rows. It is troublesome especially for reaction colouring, as field type is not necessary for it. -
Reaction_identifier field crashes upload of data overlay in case the field element_identifier is already used for any element. To colour the reaction I need to use element_identifier field, what makes reaction_identifier unnecessary column. -
Not valid anymore due to gene_name column will be removed, but I have left it. Upload of overlay throws error if overlay data contains name column and gene_name column; name column is empty and gene_name column is filled with elements names. In reverse situation, upload is successful. -
Please change model_name on map_name. -
In column Identifier some annotators do not work, i.e. GO:1901215, Entrez:6622, HGNC_Sybmol:NOS2.
The Color field does not work. All elements are coloured default red. -
Remove columns name, type, reference_genome_type and reference_genome_version. -
Not valid anymore due to name column will be removed, but I have left it. Reported via MINERVANET: The error occurs during upload of genetic-variant overlay data, which contains name column and gene_name column; name column is empty and gene_name column is filled with elements names. In reverse situation, upload is successful.
Edited by Piotr Gawron