User global privileges - amends
In the window add/edit user, please remove tab global privileges, and
in the first tab Details, at the top of window, add below roles with radio button and '?' for description:
- Admin
'?' = Admin can view and modify all projects and users, and manage MINERVA configuration" - Curator
'?' = Curator can view and modify the projects he has access to, and their users. - User & [checkbox] user can create data overlay
'?' = User can view and modify projects he has access to. If checkbox 'can create data overlay' he has add data overlay.
Above checkbox is for role user only and appears after choosing radio button user to allow user create data overlays.
If a user has Admin privileges, please make the project list in Project privileges inactive (grey) and add comment: "admin has access to view and modify all projects".
Edited by Ewa Smula