feat(overlays): added ability to turn on multiple overlays
Added possibility to view more then one overlay
Things done
- rendering multiple overlays
How does it work?
Prerequisites: "view" button triggers opening overlays -> it triggers downloading overlayBioEntityData for given overlay for ALL available submaps(models)
- For each active overlay
- get overlayBioEntity data (current map data passed by selector)
- based on nOverlays, calculate coordinates for given overlayBioEntity to render Polygon from extend
- Calculate coordinates in following steps:
- polygonWidth = width/nOverlays
- xMin = xMin + polygonWidth * overlayIndexBasedOnOrder
- xMax = xMin + polygonWidth
- yMin,yMax -> is const taken from store
- generate Feature(xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax)
Edited by Tadeusz Miesiąc