Excel file PDP. Create importer
It's becoming more ad-hoc that I wish it to be, but it's coming.
Things that could already be on the database:
- Language
- Country
- Location
- Flying Team
- Referals (Health Partner)
- A subject with the same SS number, first name and last name
- A studySubject with the same ND number, subject
Columns to be transformed to a standard format
- Gender (it comes as 'm' or 'f')
- Language (it comes as letters such as 'L', 'F', etc. or even 'Fin' or 'lt', or 'Sp'
- Prefered writen language (same as language)
- Country (it comes as LUX)
- SS number (comes with spaces)
- Date of birth (comes in format dd.mm.YYYY)
- Date added (V1) # visits might have comments like (Tel)
- ... (V2)
- ... (V3)
- ... (V4)
Boolean (Y/N or blank)
- Deceased
- Postponed
- Resigned
- Excluded
- PDP 1.0
- Column names remain the same
- All study subjects can have all voucher types
❗ Voucher activity column has no effect on the Subjects and only the IDs from Voucher References are used to add Vouchers. Important note here @piotr.gawron - All vouchers partners can do all voucher types
- Assumed that vouchers are IN USE and that their expire 365 after their creation
- The worker who issues the voucher is the referral (health partner)
- Voucher Reference follows this condition
nd_number, date, voucher_partner, voucher_type, num = 'ND0019-20180807-ZIT-IT-00173'.split('-')
assessments = OrderedDict([('Cognitive Test', 180), ('Risk Factor', 120),
('Voucher Distribution', 120), ('Follow Up', 90)])
voucher_types_dict = OrderedDict([('Cognitive Activity', 'CA'), ('Neurofit', 'NF'),
('Mobilfit', 'MF'), ('Diet', 'D'), ('Consulte ORL', 'CORL'),
('Physical Activity', 'PA'),
('Individual Cognitive Training', 'IT'),
('Social', 'S'), ('Test', 'T')])
Not done
- Add adequate locale to the Languages and flags.
- Add adequate country id to the countries.
Notes on data
- Some Subjects has no language so the default language is chosen.
- A Subject has no preferred written language so the first language is chosen.
- There are 3 invalid SS Numbers: 1943010852 (too short even for ancient SS numbers), 1936110312203, 1939121227113
Edited by Carlos Vega