gunicorn should have no limits on GET request
temporary carlos workaround
I fixed the issue from Maxime by increasing two settings from the pcr smasch production machine:
the issue was that the subject table produced an ajax error (URI too large) when using many filters as it goes via GET. (Back then I couldn’t manage to do this via POST)
in the nginx.conf I added this line
large_client_header_buffers 16 5120k;
then the problem moved to gunicorn, on smash service
there I saw that you had some parameter set --limit-request-line 16534 (or something similar)
But in the gunicorn docs is says that Value is a number from 0 (unlimited) to 8190. so no matter if you put something higher, max is 8190.
I have put 0 (unlimited) and it now works.
Edited by Piotr Gawron